Wednesday, September 30, 2009

stop this train

Funny how much I've been thinking about ending things lately. Quit facebook, quit email, quit phone calls, quit homework, and quit this blog. I'm giggling to myself even thinking about it. Like, get OVER yourself, kim. it's been one of those kind of days....well, okay, weeks...nah, several weeks around here. first the tree. then swine. and then the check. the check actually pushed this girl right over the edge. you see, our lovely economy has caused much harm to mom's trust. so much so that brad's, my little brother and overseer of her trust, gray hairs have probably tripled in the last few years. stinks...., not the gray by the way...he looks amazing gray & blonde. so, the four of us decided to make an investment decision. we bought a house. for those of you who are not family but know me well...sit down. we bought a house for dad. it was the right thing to do. it is absolutely what mom would want and i know you're proud. so, the remaining monies (minus a little to stay in the account) were divided by four....and hence, the check. that check bears her name and for some odd reason i don't ever want that to go away. there is just something about that account staying with us...i know she is gone...but it was so much "her baby" and it being open ("alive") just feels better. by the response i got from my poor little brother (who has had to put up with PMS-ing sisters all his life) on the phone, and mike, this must be a "girl thing!"....and you know, we need a whole LOT of girl things around here. so, the tears, sobbing, mood swings, screaming, pouting, complaining/whining...all's all good. i'm just trying to keep this pfaff pond BALANCED.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

i SEE you!!

This picture makes me smile ALL OVER!!
Counting the days, Ellis, until I get to hold you!
We love you, sweet girl,
Aunt Kimmy, Uncle Mike, Tod, Craig, Cole, and Reed

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Not busy enough


Evidently God knew we could fit a few more things on our at 2 in the morning last night I literally watched this happen....after I heard (attempted to wake Mike up) 3 super loud snapping sounds several minutes a part. I truly thought it was something electrical in the vacant house next door. Nope. By the time I reached to shut the blinds after my investigation I saw this 45 foot live oak slowly start to fall! Mike woke to my SCREAMING TERROR. I just knew it would come ALL the way through and land on Cole in the top bunk. I still tear up thinking about it. By the way, Dad or Larry, just how long will the frame of this house hold up a tree weighing a TON? Guess this is what we'll be doing over the next few days....months....

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Coming up for air

So, what have you guys been up to lately? Sleeping in, going in to work late, traveling a little, reading your favorite books, romantic dinners with your love one, and spending great QUALITY time with each of your children? Sounds so much like us. NOT. Oh my gosh, it has been a while since I have posted anything because truthfully we haven't even had the opportunity to come up for AIR!! We are HOUR by HOUR people it seems. My little brother and I were chatting the other day about the craziness...and how the work really begins when you leave work. Trust me, it is the most rewarding, the most loved, and the most God honoring work I know but goodness!! Because of the craziness, we have become very impulsive people, however. Like, dropping everything and literally running for the car as we "spaceship" drive to a parent "meeting" that was "forgotten." No doubt that is age and circumstance put together. We laugh at ourselves often. Tuesday we had our first Freshman Class meeting at Jesuit....meanwhile Tod is home with Craig, Cole, and Reed and there is homework to be done and checked, baths to be taken, lunches to be made, teeth to be brushed, and oh, the laundry....and did you all know that all of those things CAN be done while we attended this meeting ....if only we had taken the WII, cell phones, and the laptops with us to the meeting!! :)

All the while this craziness happens, my little sister and Garth are viewing the Great Wall of China!! They are days away from seeing their daughter, Ellis, for the first time. Ellis Day is Monday the 14th of September! They are so excited and so crazy nervous! The above paragraph is a reason I giggle about Kris and Garth being all crazy nervous about adopting ONE. Brad and I both laughed out loud entertaining the thought of just having Brittany and Tod! We would be DONE!! I do get it though....just before becoming a parent floods your brain and heart with many thoughts of "how in the world are we going to do this!!" If you haven't stopped by my little sisters is at She is an amazing writer and does a far better job "blogging" than I do! Anyway, above is the latest picture of them in China. It brought tears to my eyes as it threw me back to my Banglasdesh, India days of riding on the rickshaws.

We anxiously await meeting Ellis face to face.