Monday, November 24, 2008

Our little Indian!

Our little Indian, Cole
Xavier, Cole, and Andreas

Finally, mom could attend an event!!

Mrs. Wunderlick's First Grade!

Cole and Mrs. Wunderlick
Today the first grade at Mary Immaculate Catholic School celebrated the First Thanksgiving. One class dressed as Pilgrims and two of the first grade classes came as Indians! Finally I was able to attend an event at my children's school! I got to paint the faces of 1B which was a blast! After we got the kiddos ready we headed to the cafeteria for a Thanksgiving Feast with the Pilgrims! We all had a great time!


Kar said...

These are the TIMES of your life. I'd be lying to say I'm not jealous ....what a wonderful day... ain't NO cowboy boy!!!! You make a GREAT REDSKIN!!!!!!!

Cathy Sparkman said...

It's SO great to see you had an opportunity to go to your own kids school activities. You give SO much to our kids. It's nice to hear that you were able to make a memory with Cole. I bet it was very special to him as well.

John said...


Misty said...

So proud of you for taking that camera with you and getting such GREAT pictures. You know how much we love Cole at our house! He is a precious Indian. I am SO glad you were able to spend this day with him, enjoy your vacation - you deserve it!

Kerri said...

I am so excited that you were able to go "feast" with the Indians! How fun!! Ok, Kim - you MUST come and paint some faces for me next year! You did good!!

kitchu said...

you do remember the year I was an Indian in Bangladesh? this brings back great memories. my godson is the CUTEST indian ever, i have to admit.