Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Photo by: David Leaser
Let me just say this, David Leaser is a saint. This would be what our day was like while trying to include LADY in our family photo! Believe it or not, and I know Karen has NO trouble believing, we have never had our family portrait taken. And, since Tod is now going on 19, we figured it was time! I had this clever idea that we should include Lady...after all, she is part of the family. Mike even agreed. Well, notice the stance she has. Can you say TWO HUNDRED dollars of obedience class??? That is correct. Would she sit? No. Would she just stand still? No. Did we have treats to bribe her? Yes. And, were we covered in dog hair? Yes. David not only dropped his entire family agenda to come out and shoot our picture, but he was so patient with us, and our 95lb PUPPY! If you are looking for an amazing photographer...who captures moments and "looks" so well...he is your man! This picture is proof! We can't wait to see the others! Don't worry...we gave up on including Lady!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE that picture. Lady looks so much like her mommy!

Misty said...

AND - just like her brother! Change your title "TWO DOGS FOR SALE!" I'll throw mine in for free :) I think you just talked me out of including Mac in the Christmas card photo!

I do love that picture!

Ashley said...

i'm cracking up!!! i can't wait to see the rest of the pics. poor puppy!! and poor mommy! i feel your pain!

kitchu said...

oh come on! lady couldn't you have had one pic with ALL of you acting crazy WITH wady? poor puppy!!

can't wait to see the other pics.

wish i lived closer so i could take some shots of you guys :O)

Steve said...

That's a pretty good sleeper hold you have, there, Mike.

Kerri said...

poor Wadee.......