Thursday, August 6, 2009

High-lights and low-lights

Summer 2009
Highlights in random order:
Tod coming home
spending time with my men
Craig's acceptance into Jesuit
Soccer/Tennis camp
Ellis' letter of Acceptance
Mondays with Kim & Ashley
Swimming at the Arringtons
Fourth of July parade with Arringtons, Ms. Amy & Kimberly, & Kelly& kids
Fireworks with the Armatos
Cold Play
Playing & walking outside
Spending time with family and friends
Girls nights
Playing golf
Sleeping in
No homework
Re-financing our home
grillin' out
having Georgia
a new job
21 years of marriage on the 13th of Aug!!

Low lights in random order:
few dates nights
summer school
Metalrite (nightmare glass order at work)
no family vacation
no beach
Mike's dad's news
leaving friends from work
not finishing home repairs/improvements

Amazing to me that I am closing in on my last day of summer, which will actually be spent at a workshop! I have spent every single day of summer with my boys and my man...which truthfully could have fallen into BOTH hi and low lights on BOTH sides...but it is time that I am so thankful for and loved. I absolutely love them with all that I am. They complete me.

A close friend of mine, Misty, sent me an article that has really touched my heart and that I am attempting (but more often failing at) to embrace. I won't burden you with the entire article but will share the title alone, which will be enough.... "Make Friends With Whatever's Next" .... "Change" and Kim are not good friends. But, I know and believe, that God is leading me...actually he's draggin' me with Mike and family pushing...down a new path. He would never send me unequipped, right? I feel unequipped. So many have shared very humbling words about my teaching, and moving head knows all of that, but why in the world is it so hard to convince the heart?

I am blessed to be married to a man that is so able to look beyond. Mike sees the roses, always. That's not to say that he doesn't see thorns at times...but even in the visible thorny time, he sees the roses. Ahhh. The peace he brings to my soul is like the sounds of the waves at the ocean...refreshing, healing, powerful, God-sent.

Here's to the blessings of summer and change.


Kar said...

I truly ONLY see goodness ahead. Remember always nervous worry is just the thing that gives us the BIGGEST kick-start and wins the race everytime. Life is so darn short...believe as we all do!! No worries my friend. We'll love you even if you suck :-)!!!! Embrace change and take in a deep, fresh breath!! You'll find your groove in a heartbeat and laugh at yourself. I just know this for sure.

Caryn said...

Well, at least you haven't spent your summer exploring cemeteries, like I have! Good things are in store for you. I can't wait to read your blog 6 months from now!

kitchu said...

sheesh, i thought the BIGGEST highlight of your summer was bowling a KRICKY with me and GARTH.


leave it off the list. don't bother now. TOO LATE. you suck.


on a more serious note: ride that wave of change... God is with you :) and He's got one perfect angel watching over you too.

kitchu said...

oh now i see we just sorta got lumped into the "spending time with family and friends" category. yeah, okay, sure thing there. never mind you'd never met Etch or anything like that or that we drove half way across America to all ya'll and all.

never you mind that or anything like that there, or that Cole and Reed thought he was totally the bomb, or that Mike said he was way the best ever ever than YOU know who- can't remember how he put it but he liked him a real lot and all like that- better than what's his face the LOUSE.

Anonymous said...

just keep your phone on at school!

Cathy Sparkman said...

congrats on 23 years of marriage! such a beautiful family. scott and i will be praying for you as you start your new endeavour in a week or so... and Amen for more highlights than lowlights! love, cathy