Thursday, December 3, 2009


Isn't it amazing the way gifts "touch" others? I mean, the most simple "no big deal" gifts are often the most moving, meaningful gifts that we receive. Children often show us that. We parents spend an insane amount of money on presents throughout the years...and what do they love??? Banging the pots and pans with spoons....or playing with the wooden characters of our nativity sets! And, some of the best gifts ever are the ones that we did not have on our list, but someone thought "they'll LOVE this!" I have countless presents that I have been given over the years that truly have moved me beyond words. One of those came a few years ago from one of my closest friends. She gave me a glass angel ornament with the following inscription:

"Perhaps they are not stars in the sky, but rather openings where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy."

Even typing those words brings tears to my eyes, and honestly, takes a little of my breath away~ still. You see, Brittney, that angel ornament gift did and continues to touch me. I will always view the stars a little differently now. And Mom, I long for you to be here with us...especially during this, your favorite holiday season. I remember the house was always DECKED out. Real Christmas tree...with RED bows...beautiful ornament balls, along with many wooden ornaments...and of course, those which we made. Every Snow Village figurine made was set up in the hallway. Christmas floral arrangements on the dining room table and hearth. The nutcrackers, music boxes, the music, snow globes, wrapping paper, Christmas movies, bows, scotch tape, gift tags, Christmas cookies, tissue, tinsel, Christmas lights inside and out, advent calendars, the precious nativity that Kris has today, lining up on Christmas morning according to height, Christmas eve turkey, ..and the list goes on.

I want you to know that I hear you in every verse of "O Holy Night", "What Childs Is This", "Do You Hear What I Hear?"....I hear your sarcasm in Brittany and Tod....I see your strength in Mei-Mei....your goofiness in Mike...your desire to play and be a part of the fun shines through Dawn...your hilarousness/silliness in Jay. I feel your touch with Karen....your tenderness with Brad...and your unconditional acceptance with Kris. Your determination lives on through Cole and Colin....your empathy shines through Craig and Alex....and your "take the bull by the horns"-ness is seen in Dylan. Thankfully, we see your beautiful face in Ethan.Your heart will forever be seen in Dad. I can not thank you enough for gifting all of us with a love for this holiday season. Through that love, we have all come to know, in our own time, love, and worship the most amazing and divine Gift ever given..all wrapped in swaddling clothes.

"It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes, or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store? What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more?"
~Dr. Seuss


Tom in Vegas said...

Beautiful post:)

I know you miss your dear mom during this time of year. This will be the first Christmas I spend without my grandmother and I still don't know how to make heads or tails as to what I'm feeling.

Christmas, without question, makes more sense when there are children around, which in some part explains why you are especially greatful for your family during this time of year:0)

kitchu said...

i am speechless. all i have are these tears streaming down my face once more... mom MADE christmas :O)

Misty said... hadn't posted in a while and i think you'd been saving all your words for this. tears, so beautifully written. i miss seeing you everyday.

Caryn said...

tears....again! ~brittney

Kar said...

I hope and pray that one Christmas soon, we will all be together Christmas Eve and head to bed listening for reindeer, line up on cue.....I may soon head the pack....oh no, silly me, Kris is SHORTER and share every stinkin' detail we remember including moaning and groaning about heading to the storage facility to gather the LOAD.

Caryn said...

I don't know what I can say that hasn't already been said...except that I know that your Mom would be soooo proud of you and your family. I know exactly how you feel...every thing I pull out is a small reminder of something. cj

Cathy Sparkman said...
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Cathy Sparkman said...

True post, Kim! We do all get caught up in the "gifts" of it all. I just wanted to drop by and say hello. It's been a while. I've been covered up the past 6 months as we all get. Anyway, just caught up on all the blogs the other day.
Sounds like this is a rough time of year without your Mom. I pray the Lord gives you Peace.
Hope you and the kids are all doing fantastic. :)