Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I do love Christmas. Although I’ve noticed that I don’t see nearly as many Nativity scenes as I used to. Now, I understand that the “separation of church and state” crowd has had them effectively banned from public buildings (I could go on for pages about this topic alone!), but even in yards and private buildings you just don’t see it any more. I don’t know about you, but an inflatable elephant in a Santa hat does not really say Christmas to me.

Kim and I try to raise good Catholic, Christian kids. We go to church on Sunday, kids in Catholic school, talk about Bible stories, discuss theology with the older ones, prayers at meals, bedtime, for sick friends, etc. and we still need to take time to emphasize the Christmas Story (not the one with the leg lamp). We take extra time to remind them why we celebrate and what the true meaning of Christmas is. That’s what got me thinking about the Nativity scenes. How many children don’t know the true meaning, aren’t told the amazing story of Mary’s faith, have no idea what a manger is? It really saddens me that our country is losing its’ Christian heritage. I don’t realize it most of the time because our friends are pretty much church-going, Christian people, but when I look around at the way society as a whole looks at this most important of days, it gives me the willies. It also makes me think about the early Christians who were persecuted and martyred for their faith. They certainly wouldn’t have backed down because a statue of a baby in a manger “offended” someone. Maybe I’m just rambling here, but it’s been on my mind. Anyway, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!


Tom in Vegas said...

You make some excellent points here. Especially towards the end when you refer to the early Christians and all the challenges they faced that never softened their resolve.

"Kim and I try to raise good Catholic, Christian kids. We go to church on Sunday, kids in Catholic school, talk about Bible stories, discuss theology with the older ones, prayers at meals, bedtime, for sick friends, etc..."

The above excerpt pretty much sums up my opinion of the Pfaff Family: Decent, caring people, who are guided by a predisposition to do good to others, and to live their faith as best as they can:0)

Merry Christmas to all of you and a Happy New Year!

Kar said...

Well said Mike and so very true.

Caryn said...

Keeping Christ in Christmas...you nailed it Mike. Your kids are so fortunate to have you and Kim. cj