Friday, January 1, 2010

Flying is the coolest thing in the to shaving.

Like most guys, I shave every day before I go to work. Since our master sink is still out of commission, I shave in the boys’ bathroom. This means I have a steady flow of kids coming through to brush teeth or use the toilet while I shave, no problem…

A few weeks ago we were all getting ready for the day. I see Reed in the laundry room, facing the wall. I tell him to keep moving, we need to go soon. Next thing I know he’s laying on our bed kind of curled up, back to me. I tell him to get up and finish getting ready, dang it! Well, he stands up and I immediately notice a big wet spot in the front of his pants. Ummm, Reed? What happened here? He is not one to share an embarrassing moment easily, so I prod and push until I determine what happened. I had noticed him watching me shave that morning. He was standing at the toilet and intently watching me shave. As he explained the wet spot on his pants, it all came clear. He wandered into the bathroom, went to the toilet and took care of business. The only problem was that he was so enraptured by my shaving that he forgot to pull down his pants before he took care of business! Now that is focus, my friends.

Kim had a great idea and bought Reed a Cars shaving kit for Christmas. I am happy to report that Reed’s face is as smooth as a baby’s bottom and his pants are as dry as the desert!


Tom in Vegas said...

Well, this post is definitely for us men:0)

Your post reminded me of my childhood's long forgotten curiosity of shaving. I just recalled an image of watching my grandfather shave and thinking to myself how glorious it must be to be able to perform such a procedure. As a grown man, I dread the process. Especially since I, too, sport a goatee and it's absolutely h*ll trying to keep the sides fifty-fifty. I wish there was a cream or a pill designed specifically for guys that want to keep facial hair at a constant length while simultaneously keeping hair from grown in the surrounding vicinity.

I know. Wishful thinking.

Happy & Blessed New Year!

Kar said...

Great story. Love it!!

Mike and Kim said...


The only time I get frustrated and want to shave it is when I can't get it even. It kills me . Kim keeps saying it looks fine, but I KNOW it's not even...

Happy New Year to you too!

Anonymous said...

LOVE it!

kitchu said...

so funny i read the whole thing out loud to garth.

when do we see video of this baby smooth skin? :O)

Caryn said...

Hmmm...get Reed to teach Larry!!!!!!

Misty said...

Ok, now that is too funny! Love the pictures and LOVE LOVE LOVE that story. He's all boy, already!