Saturday, November 6, 2010

edward....but more importantly, God

Edward....amazing. For those of you who don't know me well, I don't read. I remember in high school my mom bribing me with money for each book I read. It worked. I read 8 that summer. Since then? Nothin'. Until this past summer. Teaching eleven year olds was the beginning of my exposure to the Twilight Series. Then, it was the talk at work. Anticipation of upcoming movies...werewolves, vampires...PLEASE. Nothing I would EVER read. Never. My mother always taught me...never say never. Brittney talked me into just trying Twilight. So, I caved and began...and oh my, I am still grieving that there is not YET another book. Due to the lack of reading over the years which caused the lack of vocabulary growth as a student/and now adult, I can't even effectively put into words what Edward provokes in this reader. His protection, love, and desire for Bella goes unmatched. After finishing these novels, the relationship that Stephanie Meyer so brilliantly created caused me to evaluate the most important relationship in my life~my relationship with God. And, I wonder, if that is not just the way that God feels about us and our hearts? No matter where we are in this life...He's there...quietly awaiting our desire to reach out to Him. He desires to have all of our hearts. He wants nothing more than to pull us closer to Him....deep within his protective arms....promises of everlasting love and life.


Tom in Vegas said...

That Edward must really be something else. Be that as it may, I don't see his popularity advancing within male demographics:0)

I, too, am not a huge fan of reading for the sake of reading. If it's about subject matter that interests me, like science and religion, then YES, I absorb it like a sponge. If we're talking about some of the tiresome literary classics that is forced upon a student in an academic setting, or that only an impassioned bibliomaniac could savor, then I simply have no interest.

I like what you had to say about God. And if novels like these expand your faith in some way, then by all means, keep reading about Edward! :0)

Anonymous said...

Eclipse DVD release on December 4th. Lets plan a viewing party!

kitchu said...

oh kimmy kimmy kimmy. i love your heart. and only YOU could draw conclusions about God from a fictional vampire :)

Caryn said...

I haven't read the books but I have enjoyed the movies :) cj