Monday, August 15, 2011

Mom's 75th

Happy 75th Birthday, Mom!

We love you.


Caryn said...

Her sweet life was just cut way too short :( Thinking of you and all of us in the DWOM Club (daughters without mothers).

Tom in Vegas said...

Mike/ Kim- Every time I see a picture of Gail, I'm reminded of someone and I can't exactly remember who. These pictures with that radiant smile are the ones that trigger that need to recollect. Now, I know Kris resembles her mom quite a bit, but it's not Kris that I'm reminded of. I think it may be my own grandmother. Like Gail, she had this magnificent demeanor that people were attracted to. I have to rummage through books of old photographs (find them first) to find the connection.

I also see by the date of this post that her birthday is right around the corner. No doubt many happy memories will be recalled.