Monday, June 23, 2008


Everytime I sit and listen to this song it reminds me of very special man in our life, and it especially reminds me of a particular moment. While on a Search weekend, I entered the chapel at Mount Carmel to spend a few quiet moments with God. As I approached the chapel, I heard soft guitar sounds. Cool...a little music playing while I pray and meditate. However, as my approach became closer the music wasn't softly playing but very intentionally being played. I silenced myself in order to not disturb the worship and truly just stood...kinda spellbound...witnessing and watching. My brother-in-law, Paul, was LOST...truly lost in worship with God...completely UNAWARE of my presence which made it even RICHER for me. So as David Crowder sings these words..."all I have, I'm leaving it here...and I will worship you Lord, only you Lord..." it reminds me so much of one the most meaningful God filled moments of my life. It was one of those times that I could feel the Holy Spirit and in some ways felt like I shouldn't be in that chapel during his sacred time. Looking back, however, I know that God's intention was for me to witness true worship. "It's just you and me, I will worship only You, only you and me..." This moment, so many years ago, changed me and deepened my relationship with God. I thank God for sending us such perfect examples in our siblings. Paul, you do it so well, and you and Maggie together create such a bright light that shines directly at Him. Thank you for loving us the way you do and for showing us The Way. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by such holy family members. And, it helps that The Catholic Church does this SO well. The actual place, the sanctuary, is holy, reverent, and a perfect "ground" for intimacy with God. It's home.

1 comment:

kitchu said...

hey, i commented on this before, why didn't it show up??

those are what i call sacred moments that god carves out, just for us :)