Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Never Enough.....

If I had to tag my teenhood with one of its many and varied themes, "never enough" would surely be one of them. And who knows, it could be that never enough is just part of the numerous frustrating characteristics of teenagers. What I do know is that my mother worked so incredibly hard. During my teenage years she, basically, was a single parent (though worked overseas) to four children and worked full time. I remember vividly....coming home from school and immediately thinking about what I could do to help mom before she walked through the door...usually around 5:15-5:30. I would vaccum, put laundry away, start laundry, and often would get dinner started. By dinner started I mean I would get everything ready....table set, potatoes peeled and in a pan with water, vegetables in their pan with lid, mixer out with tee-tiny pan to heat milk in (for mashed pototoes)....etc. Kim, sadly, did not get the master chef "food network" cooking ability that Karen has....but I sure can get you started. This sounds so negative...and truly I don't feel burdened of this now...but for the most part I would do all that to help ease the load my mom carried....and it was never enough. And you know what? I get it. Lately I've been spending a lot of time thinking about what is there never enough of...? I have my top two. Time...and Money. No doubt my mom was thinking the same thing. matter what you make, there is not enough. We are so blessed to have our jobs...especially ones we enjoy....and especially considering today's economy. Regardless of how diligent we happens and I'm constantly responding to it with, "How are we gonna do that?" Never thought I would ever use the cliche mom always used..."money doesn't grow on trees!" with my children because I hated it as a child...but I have!! And Tod, I am convinced, still doesn't get it. Funny, he told me the other day that the online bank activity was wrong. Money, to me, equals stress. Perhaps that is the reason that God has not blessed me with a ton of it! :)

Time is amazing. I am eternally blessed everyday by the amount of time God gifts me....and yet I never seem to get enough of it. I laugh,rage, and vent often, at how little time I have to myself and with the ones I love most. I literally laughed out loud at my ob-gyn's appointment when I was told...your good cholesterol is too low....exercise is what is going to make that better! Funny! When? Up at 5am, work by 7am, leave promptly at 3 to get boys by 3:25, home to start laundry, start dinner, assist on homework, get ready for the next day, get someone to some kind of practice or game, dinner...clean up...baths...bed. When is the exercise???? (instead of this post I guess!!)

I know the root of all this....and I know he wants nothing more than to rob us of our joy and especially our time. Thankfully Mike and I both are not good losers. God willing we will win this time/money battle with flying will all of our loved ones who struggle day in and day out with the same issues.

Thank God Lent is approaching....I long for the desert.


Tom in Vegas said...

What a coincidence. Just TODAY my doctor's office called to let me know that my blood work came back fine, except that my good cholesterol was low. "The doctor wants you to exercise," the nurse reported from the other end.

I completely empathize with your desire - as a child - to help your dear mother. No doubt want would continue if she were still with you. I, too, am doing the best I can to help my mother. She was laid off a while back and since I don’t want her to go back to work, I do my best to help her financially. It is difficult, but if she went back to work and got stressed or sick as a result of her job, I probably would never be able to forgive myself. This does take a toll on my social life, but some things are more important, don’t you think? Anyhoo, God does not abandon.

I can’t wait for Lent! Just thinking about it make my good cholesterol go uo;0)

BTW, I heard grape juice helps elevate your good cholesterol. I had heard that it was good for the cardiovascular system, and unlike red wine, you can drink and drive with it.

Tom in Vegas said...

Should read "...makes my good cholesterol go up." I shouldn't type so fast!

Misty said...

i so get it...there is never enough it seems. constantly making lists and then moving the things that didn't get done today to tomorrow's. it is a battle i struggle with daily - not letting it consume me.

p.s. i sure wish my online banking was WRONG :)

kitchu said...

i want you here with me... i miss you and i miss the boys.

i always think, too many years with 4 states between us- maybe it's time to move back to tx, and then WE can peel those potatoes and kar can get us all in a walking program :O)

LOB YOU. xoxo.

ps. can't your MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER put a FIRE under your BUTT?! run down to that van by the river, that'll burn some calories sister!!