Saturday, November 14, 2009


We do a LOT of preparing in this household. We prepare lunches for school, prepare our clothes for the next school/work day, prepare the house for the arrival of guests, prepare food, prepare children, prepare for work...and the list goes on. Most of these things fall in to the mundane routine of our everyday lives, and quite honestly, are often taken for granted. The insurmountable time we spend is infinite it seems. This preparation theme alone has dominated my thoughts as of late. This inordinate amount of time is being spent on worldly things ~ disturbs me, and really caused me to stop and think about the very core of our existence and creation. Our only job here is to bring glory and praise to God. So whatever path God has blessed you with, your job remains the same....bring Him glory. Wow, in Cole's words a long time ago, I "suck out loud" at this. (And yes, he did get some soap in his mouth) And don't get me wrong, like you, I am so in love with God, and the things of God. I just do not give Him all of me, all the time....but I want to, and He is so deserving. The liturgical seasons are such a beautiful reminder of God's most Holy Gift, Himself. As my mom and dad used to say, "Prepare, and prepare well." As we are about to enter one of my most favorite liturgical seasons, Advent, I intend to prepare and prepare well as we...
Await the Celebration

happy almost Advent


Tom in Vegas said...

So, you're like me! I LOVE this time of year. It can be both joyous and pensive, exhuberant and introspective.

I know that being busy can make you feel "less devout" or guilty for not applying yourself as much as you'd like. But you just have lots of people to look after and take care of. That in and of itself is inherently Christian.

Merry (early) Christmas!

Anonymous said...

"Liturgical," and "insurmountable..." Your vocabulary is way to large for this 5th grade teacher. We can no longer be friends. I need to get out the dictionary to read your blog! Show-off! Just wait, I'll be using the Thesaurus for my next blog entry. It's on!

Mike and Kim said...


Don't feel too bad. Kim kept yelling to me, "Mike, how do you spell..."

I love my wife!!


Caryn said...

You write so beautifully...I just don't know what to say.

kitchu said...

they said her name this past Sunday. we decided to go to 5:30 mass, which i haven't done in over a year. and during the prayers of the faithful during november we remember those in the book of life.

and then i heard her name, amongst all those who have gone with her: Gail Ramsey Jackson...

talk about a beautiful way to welcome in this season that she too LOVED. she just didn't know how fully she was practicing the heart of Advent :O)