Thursday, January 27, 2011

Big E

Future Firefighter
Together with God, my brother, Brad, and his wife, Dawn, make the most beautiful babies! In fact, I need to post in the future with all of their pictures...all blonde headed-huge blue-eyed kids! All of my nieces and nephews are special, and occupy a unique place in my heart. Ethan, the babiest of the Jackson clan, came with a double portion of special! First, he's the baby. And, "the baby" at the Jackson home growing up occupied a distinguished place in the household and momma's heart, much like the oldest. After all, he was the only boy, and the baby. Unlike his father, E is the fourth, and last, boy of five children ...making him...the baby...and trust me, he is holding up the distinguished place in the home quite well! Second, he looks like Mom. He looked so much like mom, in fact, that it took my breath away the first time I laid eyes on him. God is so good! Mom left us in 2006, and Ethan was born exactly 1 year and 11 days after...looking so much like her. I ache when I think about him not ever having met TaTa personally...but then marvel at how God gifted us with a bit of her... in him.
Happy 4th Birthday Ethan!


Kar said...

Beautiful children!!!! And MOSTLY blue-eyed!!! Al has Momma's gorgeous hazel eyes I would kill for!!!!! Happy Birthday E!!!

Anonymous said...

He's a cutie...but all of the boys in your family are!!!!! cj

kitchu said...

i was just gonna type except Al's amazing green/hazel eyes that i would die for!

all the boys in this family are crazy cute.

just crazy cute. it's crazy.