Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Happy Get Married Day!

When I look at Mike in this photo I still feel the butterflies that I felt twenty-two years ago when I first noticed him at Mama's pizza in Arlington. I remember telling Wendy, one of my best friends in high school, a sorority sister, and, lucky me, Mike's little sister in Sig Ep, set me up with your big brother!! I was actually in a long distance relationship at the time but she quickly dragged me over to him to introduce me. Dreamy. I knew and so the chase began! I will never forget Greek Week that year, spring 1987. Delta Zeta was paired up with Sigma Phi Epsilon. We, Delta Zeta actives, had to nominate a Sig Ep as our "Mr. Greek Week." Hands down Mike "whatever his last name was" won! We ran around the sorority house looking for a Sig Ep composite of any DZ Sig Ep little sister. Because I was President, I had to fill in the name on the nomination form in the world do you spell THAT last name?? Trust me, it only took ONE look and I had it memorized. Couple of nights later a bunch of sorority sisters and I ATTEND the Mr. Greek Week competition....of see Mike. You see, I wasn't the only DZ that had the hots for him. There were several of us! Well, Mike replaced his name on our form with one of his fraternity brothers!! Chicken! And what the heck??? You went with a few frat guy's opinion over 110 women's opinions???? Typical guys! God had great plans, that night however. I remember him coming up to me...I even remember what we were both wearing. We talked about all sorts of things and I distinctly remember him mentioning "not getting" something...I immediately volunteered to "tutor" him....truthfully I just remember gazing into his intensely blue eyes....dreamy. Anyway, the rest is history! Twenty one years of history..on 8/13! Seems like only yesterday that we were walking down that beautiful aisle at St. Luke Catholic Church in Irving! Mike wrote a song for our wedding which Paul and John sang...and he said the most amazing prayer as we placed a beautiful flower arrangement at Mary's feet. Everyday I thank God for the oneness in our marriage and for the way it still is today....dreamy.
Happy Anniversary Michael. Thank you for loving me the way that you do for these twenty-one years. I know God has amazing plans for us ahead.


Kar said...

Awwww, shucks.....pass me a tissue! Happy Get Married Day you too! I love you!!

Ashley said...

my FAVORITE song right now! such sweet words. love the pic of you 2. kim - i didn't know you had curls!! :) love it! you two are perfect for each other and such a wonderful example of a Godly marriage! thanks for being so amazing so we can hopefully follow in your footsteps! love you guys! congrats!

Kar said...

oops, TWO!! Now that's embarrasing!! Did I spell that wrong two? (too?)

Caryn said...

Happy Day! You are setting such a wonderful example for your children. cj

Misty said...

LOVE the jeans...

LOVE this post. Thanks for being a great example.

kitchu said...

happy anniversary babies, gotchya on my mind (well, I did... I did)... hope it was the best.

Anonymous said...

Do you still have those jeans? If so, can I borrow them?

Wendy Riley said...

wow... has it been that long??? Pretty cool though... I introduce my bestest high school friend to my big brother and end up with an ENTIRE extended family!!
so when are we all going to get together again???
hugs to you both!! miss you...