Friday, August 28, 2009

Steal Away

Steel away we did thanks to Tod and Craig! Mike and I celebrated our 21st anniversary at the Gaylord for a night. Atrium view....door to patio was opened immediately to the scrumptious sounds of the many waterfalls. How I wish we could recreate that sound in our own home!
So relaxing. So needed. So happy.
Thank you, God.


kitchu said...

love this cheesy song SO much!! so... i won't ask... but dying to know... did ya, you know... get some.... SLEEP?!!

Caryn said...

The years have been good to both of you because you don't look like you have been married 21 years! Good seeing you today and finally meeting Karen. cj

Misty said...

Such a great picture of the two of you. Glad you had this "away" time together. Miss you!

Anonymous said...

So...did the bell-boy take this picture?