Friday, May 2, 2008


Our lives are spent in a seemingly endless stream of practices, recitals, games and meetings. In this we are just like most families. The thing that makes us a little unique is having our oldest graduating from high school and our youngest wearing big boy underwear all day without an accident. Our time with Reed we measure with a calendar, our time with Tod, a stopwatch. I've never experienced the feeling of pushing someone away with one hand and holding on for dear life with the other. Despite the fact I have longer and more coherent conversations with the 3-year-old, I will miss the late night conversations with Tod. When you have a teenager, you hold your most intimate conversations on their terms, at their times. So, when he pokes his head in at 11:30 to see if I'm still awake, I sit up straight and forget that I have to get up at 5:30. It's just what you do. I know it's strange, but I can feel the house slowly becoming more empty every day. Luckily, we have 3 more boys running around to keep us from being lonely, but letting the first one go.... We're not ready, there's still too much more to say...


kitchu said...

Oh god here I go crying again- see, it will be worth it despite all my anxiety, worry and fear, right?

Love you guys..

Tom in Vegas said...

You seem to be blessed with a wonderful family. God bless you all!

Kris, I am sooooo going to call you "Kricky" from now on. Or - even more mischievous - my own variation of it:)

OH MY #6 said...

Oh my, great post!

Welcome. I look forward to visiting your BLOG!


Robin said...

Love your blog so far! That Aunt Kris is one special lady!

I have to tell you, it doesn't get any easier... letting the last one go is just as hard as the first and those in between. We've done it five times already. Now we will do it once more but not for atleast 16 more years. You'll make it through. All I can say is thank goodness for cell phones and text messaging! :0)


Yoli said...

Great post and welcome to blog land. We enjoy having Macy's aunt and uncle posting!

kitchu said...

Hey... what's your secret??? How'd ya get the pic in your header??? I don't even know how to do that for crying out loud. I pay people for that kind of service!!

Alyson and Ford said...

Welcome to Bloggyland! We read Kris' blog (hope to meet her as we are in NE FL) and follow "tons" of adoption blogs. We may need your BTDT advice someday! Hope to read lots of fun family love on this blog!

Alyson LID 01/27/06

kitchu said...

Uhhmmmm, hello, BLOGGERS BLOG... maybe time to update those of us waiting????