Saturday, May 2, 2009


Craig was Confirmed today. He was anointed with Chrism and professed his faith in God. He received the fullness of the Holy Spirit. And I cried.

The overwhelming presence of the Holy Spirit always makes me teary-eyed. I am blessed to have experienced it innumerable times in my life, and every time I feel the peaceful presence my eyes begin to fill. Back in high school during Search retreats, at a bible church in Southlake, at First Communions, at an evening prayer service by a lake, singing songs of praise around a campfire and today. Craig has been preparing for 2 years for this day. Over the last 9 months he spent every other Wed. night in prayer and growth, discerning if he was ready for the power and responsibility that goes with Confirmation. He is.

The Mass was great, the presider read from some of the Letters to the Bishop that the Confirmandi (Confirmation candidates) wrote and one was Craig’s. It mentioned that one of the reasons he chose the sponsor he did was because he was able to make good decisions in bad situations. His sponsor was Tod. Watching the two of them approach the altar and Tod place his hand on Craig’s shoulder as he received the Sacrament was amazing. A “proud dad” moment.

Our family has some history with the priest that performed the Sacrament, not all of it good. But as I listened to his homily, I decided to let it go. I felt the Holy Spirit fill me with forgiveness and love. I am always amazed at what God can accomplish when I, “Let Go and Let God”. Kim and I are intensely proud of the choices Craig is making and the way in which lives his faith. Today is his day, we were happy to be a part of it. It was a good cry.


kitchu said...

I had NO idea he's chosen Tod as his sponsor.

Now I have tears in MY eyes.

how much i wish i'd been there to witness this sacred moment.
congrats to craig- so proud of him.

Caryn said...

Craig and Tod have good parents! "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye." Psalm 32:8 Congratulations! cj

Anonymous said...

Congrats Craig....and Mike and Kim for leading him to Christ! Love you guys!!!

Kar said...

Wouldn't trade ONE single moment....truly a HOLY visit. Thank you Craig for reminding us our faith is key. In that car line in my mind....look for me!! Miss my evening "reads." :-(