Thursday, September 25, 2008


Ever have one of those days that no matter how brightly the sun shines, it’s overcast in your head and heart? No matter how FULL and BLESSED your cup is, it still seems so empty and cursed. And despite your unmatched determination to change your forecast, you still come up rainy. Today has been one of those days for me. And you know, it never can be just that for me…an Eeyore-kind-of-day. Instead, I spend (and have spent today) an insurmountable amount of time trying to put my finger on why today is so gloomy. Is my aching tooth? Perhaps the tiff Tod and I had over the phone about directions home (imagine! I learned I ask too many questions!!)? Or maybe the discipline sheet Craig was given for “excessive talking?” Was it the CHECK ENGINE warning light on AGAIN in the van…after all, it’s only been 6K miles since the new transmission was put in? Better, was it finding out that Cole had told us, and his Aunt Karen, that he had gone a week with “no warnings” when truly he had received 1 to 2 warnings EVERYDAY last week? (Of course, Aunt Karen had already sent a congratulations card and gift ~ and just a side note here…going a WEEK without any warnings for talking (or as he sees it “I was just helping so-and-so”) for Cole is MONUMENTOUS, just ask Mrs. Arrington!! Who knows? My brain doesn't...but I do know who does heart does, and it feels heavy and cloudy today.


Kar said...

Predicting SUNSHINE today.....deep breath....this is a special Friday Mom. I love you Kimmy Ann.

Misty said...

your honesty is so i have those cloudy days as well, without warning, and having a hard time finding the exact reason why...praying for a sunshine weekend for you and your family, may your heart feel full with your family ALL home. thank you for being a part of my son's days - every week - i'm blessed for that reason alone.

kitchu said...

one of the transporters at work today sings when he goes into every patient room. i have been in a miserable mood and i said to him, "why are you always so happy?" and he said, "there is only ONE thing you cannot change in this life- death. just like that, you might be gone, and so each day i choose to sing". i wanted to slap him but he was just so happy... :O)

corners up sister.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, Monday morning will come around in a few hours....then comes the flash-flood warning! :)

Kerri said...

Wow - what do you say to that? Does "i love you" work? How 'bout some donuts and a Diet Coke in the morning???