Thursday, September 11, 2008

Who has time to read?

It really amazes me how much I can accomplish in an afternoon. And why me? Why do I have this unmatched, inhuman desire to plow through things and get stuff done ~ like, off my list permanently. And, why is it that Mike, or any other male (besides Chris and David), can’t or quite frankly don’t WANT to accomplish the same amount of stuff? While driving to pick up my two boys from Mary Immaculate I am calling parents of students whose behavior warranted a parent phone call. I pick up my boys and begin the vocabulary review/reading homework while driving home. Upon arriving and assigning stuff for each to carry in (especially if I have grocery shopped on the way home….I hate it!), I let Lady out, change clothes, direct the boys with our “getting home, getting ready for the next day routine of chores”, and begin the “sit down and concentrate” homework help. Meanwhile, Reed has either used the restroom on the floor of the bathroom (yesterday, because a gecko ran across his feet) or Lady has thrown up something she shouldn’t have eaten. Quickly I get laundry started and I am usually answering comprehension questions while scrubbing the bathroom floor...or wood floor...whichever has been “hit” by Reed or Lady. Still working on homework I wonder what in the world will I fix for dinner???? I long for a plate of veggies and fruit, or Mike’s grilled chicken….but know that I would only be cooking for TWO and there are FIVE of us here that need nutrition. I hate the dinner thing. My guys live on pizza, cereal, nuggets, pizza, cereal, nuggets, and pizza. AHH! Sadly, the figuring out of the dinner usually gets left behind. I attempt to control the amount of paper work… which I must say I am failing at. The STACK of to do’s in the pile of paperwork saved in the kitchen is the size of the Dallas Yellow Pages book! I hate it and truthfully just want to SHRED the entire stack despite it’s importance. I crack myself up…and yet get driven CRAZY…like real people crazy…by my piles of “to do’s.” This needs to go to the dry cleaners, this needs to go to the alteration lady, this needs to go to storage, I need to call and get this refilled, sign up for soccer, get the stuff for “Feed the Hungry” at our boys school, and THE LIST (thanks Allyson!) grows and grows!! So much so that I want to SHRED it too! You know, I can hear someone advising…slow down, take some time for yourself, just leave it for tomorrow…really? Come on, you and I both know THAT flat out does not work. Am I alone in this world??? No, no. Rest assured some of my closest friends travel in this boat with me everyday! In fact the captain of this vessel was for many years (and can still be…. :) ) the “boss” of me…but certainly my second lifeline behind Mickey, Karen! We are on a FANTASTIC VOYAGE aren’t we? Just thought I’d blog about what I do…while Mike reads.


Kar said...

Hey Mike??? Whatcha readn'?? XO

Anonymous said...

I'm worn out reading this! How
bout them Cowboys, Mike???