Saturday, January 31, 2009


Photo by: Kricky
As a child, I affectionately called her "Ra-Ra" because I couldn't pronounce her name. My speech and language skills eventually got better and it often was "Kar-Kin." Then, finally, Karen. And now, mostly just Kar. I am confident that God never created anyone with more passion about being a daughter, sister, aunt, Godmother, and mom than Karen. Two words often come to mind when I think about her....ROCK and ESSENTIAL. She is, has been, and continues to be that for me...and my siblings. She is a "dive-in" kind of person. She not only knows your heart, but she dwells in the deepest part of you. She does this, too, not because she has to, but because she wants to. Understandable, you might say, for a first born, especially when it comes to her siblings. But anyone who reads this and knows her, knows full well it does not stop with her siblings. Karen spreads that passion and dedication to all those, including her patients, whom her life touches. She is willing to sit with you in the trenches, run with you to a finish line, carry you when you can't seem to get yourself up, counsel you for hours on end, diagnose illnesses from miles away, laugh til it hurts with you, travel across the world with you, nurse us back to health, and celebrate life with you. And you know, as if that wasn't enough.... she does this with ALL of us....our families and all of our in-laws and their children...all of her Godchildren(6 total!)...nieces/nephews(16 total!)....her friends...even our friends....and the list goes on! My children walk the halls of their schools and their friends or teachers often say..."Did Aunt Karen get you that?" or "Is Aunt Karen coming?". Friends have often offered to pay her to make their lunches for work!! Tod's college roommate has asked if Aunt Karen would adopt him...and he hasn't even met her! God has shone and healed through her generosity and thoughtfulness for years! I thank God for her everyday.

Kar, you often are a "dumping" ground for Krick, BJ, Dawn, and me. You listen so well to not only our words, but also to our hearts. You have and continue to be such a safe place for our children to vent and share. The value of that goes so much deeper than you could ever realize. Thank you for all of the many things you do for us and with us. We can not count the number of times you have fed us...physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Thank you for loving us the way that you do, and for loving our children as much as we do. Mom, I know, smiles and no doubt is so relaxed in Heaven as she watches you so tenderly care for each of us. Not being able to have children of your own is a cross you have carried in this life....and perhaps that was God's grand planning...because He knew you would be caring for all of us. I know I don't share enough how much you mean to me . Know this, you are essential to me.

In Tod's words long ago to you....I love you to infinity and beyond, too,


Kar said...

Oh my goodness....I left you a message on your cell. Blown away and really NOT deserving of all this. Called Jay crying and he listened intently. He paused for a minute and said, "Babe....and behind every great woman like this is a GREAT husband." Leave it to tears turned to giggles...I love you Kim and thank you for your kind words.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you're my godmother, I probably got my commpassion!!!!!!!!

Your the best
Love, Godson - Craig

Anonymous said...

Got my compassion from you, I meant!

I love you,

Misty said...

aren't sisters wonderful??? you reminded me today how lucky we are to have them, thanks....

Mike and Kim said...

This is Mike.

Karen has been a part of my life since the day I married Kim and I think some of the vows apply here too, "for better or for worse". She has seen Kim and me at our highest and lowest, and I can say the same about her. My realationship with Karen has changed many times over the years and I am glad to say that the way it is now is the best. We can share a bottle of wine, laugh about how we used to be, rag on Kim, and talk about almost anything. I know she loves my family and would do anything for them and I know that her heart is always in the right place. We have had our ups and downs, but I love her like a sister and feel blessed that she is in my life. I love you Karen.

Caryn said...

You two look just alike...both soooo pretty! cj

Cathy Sparkman said...

You are so blessed, Kim. I always wished wish I had a sister. Don't get me wrong, I love my bro but nothing like having that sisterly love. . . It's neat to see how much you love and appreciate her. By the way, I'm pretty sure you're a pretty great sister too. :o)

kitchu said...

you said it. you said it. i am covered in goosebumps and shedding the best kind of tears and feeling ETERNALLY blessed.

i tell people ALL the time. we never lost mom... she's still with us... in kar... the very, very best of mom is in kar.

i never know quite how to describe it to others, but once said to someone- "she even knows when you're getting hungry and will just bring you a pb&j- and then, when you're on the couch watching a movie? she'll get up, and come over and cover you with a blanket"... that's karen.