Tuesday, January 20, 2009


One November 5th, 2008, Cole entered my bathroom at 5:30am. I was blow drying my hair, and quite honestly I jumped a little hearing his footsteps...as I am usually the only one up at that hour. Before I could open my mouth, he said solemnly (head bowed and all):

Cole: You don't have to tell me.
Me: Tell you what?
Cole: Barak HUSSEIN Obama won.

With that and again before I could even speak one single word, he left back to his room to go back to sleep. He was, to say the least, so let down. How in the world could his candidate lose? He had campaigned for Senator John McCain. So much so that his first grade teacher, Mrs. Wunderlick, had to take down the pictures of BOTH candidates for President...so that Cole would focus on the FIRST GRADE school work he was missing due to his steadfast campaigning. Passionate for his country is the way I choose to look at it.

Because of this passion, I really thought I might hear some snears regarding today's festivities from Cole. Not the case! Here is how it went:

Cole: I am kinda happy for Obama.
Me: Yeah, why do you feel happy for him?
Cole: Cuz, he's the first Black American to get to be President.
Me: Cool to be first isn't it?
Cole: Yeah

Regardless of our affilliations, today was one of those "Proud to be American" days. As I sat in an auditorium at school with my class to watch the swearing in, tears welled up in my eyes as I witnessed Past Presidents enter, and the other significant political dignitaries. It felt good overall....perhaps a little sad that equal numbers were not present for other President's Inauguration Days...but all in all good.

I think what makes me expotentially proud is the way in which George W. Bush respects the office of President...and the way in which he passed the gavel to Barack. You know....no missing letters on keyboards throughout the White House and all that junk. To me, he has such class.

I love our traditions. They are so moving, and they remind me of how thankful to God I am to be an American. Whether we are happy with the outcome of this election or not...he is our President. And, as my little brother, Brad, said so well, we have an opportunity to teach others, and especially our children, that the office of President is to be respected...always.


Ashley said...

love that cole pfaff!!! love the song choice too!!! such a great post today!! your brother definitely said it best!! :)

Kar said...

Amen and GOD BLESS US ALL, worldwide.

Misty said...

i love the way you put that...and love to see cole's perspective -

kitchu said...

That's my GODSON... yep. So proud of him :O) And you said it so well here.

Here's to hoping our new president can meet the many challenges that face him.

Cathy Sparkman said...
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Cathy Sparkman said...
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